Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Saving Lives in the Capital

Congress is on track to support President Obama’s decision to fund abortion with your tax dollars in the District of Columbia. Legislation is coming down the pike that weakens the Dornan amendment, a longstanding policy to restrict tax-funded abortions in our nation’s capital.Tomorrow evening the House Appropriations Committee will have an opportunity to change this decision. Representatives Todd Tiahrt (R-KS) and Lincoln Davis (D-TN) will offer a bipartisan amendment to restore the ban on taxpayer funded abortions in the District of Columbia.
Why does this matter? Put simply, laws save lives. When the government isn’t subsidizing abortion on demand, we see fewer abortions.Even the other side recognizes this. The Alan Guttmacher Institute, the research arm of Planned Parenthood, routinely issues reports showing that when public funding is not available, we see 30% fewer abortions among women who are eligible for Medicaid. That means at least 30% of babies whose mothers receive government subsidized health care survive because of abortion funding restrictions like the Dornan Amendment.This is why it is so important that you act now to support this amendment. We can still save the lives of precious unborn children in the District of Columbia.
Click here now and contact these important Members of the Appropriations Committee and tell them pro-life laws like the Tiahrt/Davis Amendment save lives!